Casual Conversations

Join Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador for some casual conversations surrounding topics that come up within the community and society in general.

Casual Conservations

Join Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador for some casual conversations surrounding topics that come up within the community and society in general.

Episode 1 - Performance

Episode 1 - Performance

So many of us have spent most of lives thinking that we need to perform and push harder, faster, better to achieve our goals, attain that lifestyle that can sometimes seem so elusive and unattainable, yet so desirable. But living a life based on performance can feel heavy and burdensome; yet it doesn’t have to be. Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador explore what’s possible when we transmute performance.

Episode 2 - Depression

Episode 2 - Depression

So many people struggle within the grips of depression, but what if there was a way to de-pressurize depression and experience something completely different? Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador explore this topic that has touched almost everyone either personally or with a loved one. There can be another way to experience life and transmute depression.

Episode 3 - The Bully, the Victim, and the Saviour

Episode 3 - The Bully, the Victim, and the Saviour

So many people struggle within the grips of depression, but what if there was a way to de-pressurize depression and experience something completely different? Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador explore this topic that has touched almost everyone either personally or with a loved one. There can be another way to experience life and transmute depression.

Episode 4 - From Anxiety to Plenitude

Episode 4 - From Anxiety to Plenitude

Anxiety can be debilitating and stop you from going about your regular everyday life activities. Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador explore this topic and offer tools to transmute anxiety and move towards more fluidity and lightness.

Episode 5 - Effort

Episode 5 - Effort

Join Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder & Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador, as they explore a topic that you're sure to want to know more about: Effort. Do you sometimes feel like no matter how hard you try, you can't win the money game, and if you manage to welcome more financial abundance, an unexpected expense occurs to compensate? What's going on and how can we modify this endless cycle?

Episode 6 - Judgment - How to raise our children in Neutrality and non-judgment

Episode 6 - Judgment - How to raise our children in Neutrality and non-judgment

As parents, how can we raise our children in neutrality and non-judgment when we’re often unaware of our own judgments? Golden Heart Wisdom's founder Sylvie Olivier and Golden Heart Wisdom Ambassador, Sandy Aubry answer those questions through this video!

Episode 7 - What is Neutrality

Episode 7 - What is Neutrality

Ever wonder what Neutrality means? And how do we know whether or not we’re experiencing it if we’ve never experienced it before? Golden Heart Wisdom's founder Sylvie Olivier and Golden Heart Wisdom Ambassador, Sandy Aubry answer those questions through this video!

Episode 8 - How do we stop blaming others when we truly feel that they're the problem

Episode 8 - How do we stop blaming others when we truly feel that they're the problem

During this casual conversation, Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador explore the concept of blame and how easy it can be to find ourselves blaming others for certain situations, outcomes, or even how we’re feeling. But what happens when we recognize that we are indeed blaming others and decide to make a different choice, that of introspection which allows us to go to the very core of the actual situation and take a look at that face in the mirror.

Episode 9 - Control -  How can we motivate our spouse or loved one to want to experience neutrality with us

Episode 9 - Control - How can we motivate our spouse or loved one to want to experience neutrality with us

How can we motivate our spouse or loved one to want to experience neutrality with us? Golden Heart Wisdom's founder Sylvie Olivier and Golden Heart Wisdom Ambassador, Sandy Aubry answer those questions through this video!

Episode 10 - Understanding the difference between transformation and transmutation

Episode 10 - Understanding the difference between transformation and transmutation

During this casual conversation, Sylvie Olivier, GHW Founder and Sandy Aubry, GHW Ambassador explore the difference between personal development, transformation, transmutation, and neutrality